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Liudmyla Ilich

academic coordinator, trainer, teacher

Doctor of economic sciences, professor, professor of the management department of the Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

The author of more than 130 scientific and educational and methodological works, in particular: three individual monographs “Formation and implementation of the labor potential of Ukraine in the conditions of the demographic crisis”, “Effectiveness of reproduction of the labor potential of Ukraine”, “Structural transformations of the transitive labor market of Ukraine”, co-authored: fourteen collective monographs, an analytical report to the annual message of the President of Ukraine to the Verkhovna Rada “On the internal and external situation of Ukraine in 2016”, two national reports: “Innovative Ukraine – 2020”, “Policy of integration of Ukrainian society in the context of challenges and threats of events in Donbas”, ” Socio-economic development of cities in the conditions of decentralization”, textbook “Economics of labor and social-labor relations”, the rest – articles in scientific specialized domestic and foreign publications.

The main areas of scientific research are peace education, human development, methodological and practical aspects of competency forecasting.

Trained in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Estonia and Turkey. In 2017, she received confirmation of the scientific title of associate professor in the European Union. She has significant scientific and pedagogical experience: she worked in higher education institutions as well as in institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. From September 2017 to September 2020, she worked as an expert for the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine. In the period from 2019 to 2022, she worked as the head of the management department of the Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University. From September 2021 to the present, she is an expert for the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine in the realm of evaluating the professional knowledge of candidates according to the established requirements during competitions for the positions of experts on reforms of categories “B” and “C”.

She has considerable experience in the implementation, coordination and monitoring of research projects, holding conferences, round tables, workshops and trainings.

Olena Akilina

expert, trainer, teacher

Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor of the management department of the Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, has completed internships in the Czech Republic and Poland with an emphasis on the issue of leadership in education. She participated in the internship “Educational systems of the EU: prospects for cooperation and development” at Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic, 2013). This internship provided an opportunity to evaluate and get involved in the formation and further implementation of educational innovations, thereby encouraging in-depth study of foreign experience. Has twenty-three years of teaching experience. She gave lectures on issues of labor and social and labor relations, management, change management, quality management. Professional competences: good project skills (ability to develop curricula,  and subject programs, develop plans and project learning process). Possesses the ability to plan, organize and control the educational process, conduct independent scientific research and organize scientific research work of students. Psychological and communicative competences: the ability to stimulate the cognitive activity of students, to form a positive attitude towards learning in students, to create a positive psychological atmosphere at lectures.

The author of more than 80 scientific and methodological works, including textbooks written in cooperation, recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, in particular the textbook “Economics of labor and social and labor relations”, as well as scientific publications, registered in Scopus and Web of Science.

Participant of the joint project of the Kyiv National University of Economics, the Jean Monet Foundation and the Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual Means and Culture (528395-LLP-1-2012-1-UA-AJM-CH/1), in particular independently carried out the research piece  “Social identification of the development of EU regions”.

Viktor Zvonar

expert, trainer, teacher

Doctor of economic sciences, professor of the management department of the Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University. He teaches corporate management and project management for master’s students. For the past thirteen years, he has been working at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine as a researcher and a member of various project groups. As a scientist, he is professionally engaged in economic research of social phenomena, such as corporate social responsibility, social entrepreneurship, social capital, human development, cooperation between public organizations and business, etc. His expertise is in demand where understanding of the social mechanics of the national economy is not obvious. Involved in the development of policies and strategies for economic regulation of various social issues (fighting corruption, improving the pension system, etc.).

Has the skills to develop and conduct socio-economic research; careful analysis and arrangement of complex research tasks; presentations (oral and written). Has more than 100 scientific works on social issues.

Participated in the development of the project of the official state standard of social responsibility for Ukraine with an emphasis on issues of human development. His activities involve a broad study of European experience in resolving conflicts between business and stakeholders and building partnerships between the public and private sectors.

He has a master’s degree in European studies and is particularly interested in studying the European perspective of corporate social responsibility and cross-sectoral conflicts and their impact on human capital.

Alla Panchenko

expert, trainer, teacher

Candidate of sciences in public administration, associate professor of the management department of the Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, expert in institutional audit of educational institutions, expert of the Ukrainian Foundation “Step by Step”.

From 2012 to 2019, she worked as part of the expert group of the State Inspection of Educational Institutions for the development of indicative criteria for evaluating the activities of general secondary education institutions for state accreditation of educational institutions; member of the author’s team of the Institutional Index of the Capacity of Community-Active Schools (“Educational Environment”). As an expert, she advised project teams “School as the core of community development”.

He has more than 25 years of scientific and pedagogical experience in a higher education institution. She conducted lectures, seminars and trainings in the following disciplines: “Management of the educational process in educational institutions”, “Audit and evaluation in the management of an educational institution”, “Strategic planning”, “Competitiveness of human capital management”.

Since 2000, he has been actively working on managerial and organizational issues of research-experimental work in Kyiv schools on the introduction of innovative educational practices. He has considerable experience in the organization and support of experimental activities in an educational institution (more than 10 experimental events at the regional level). Possesses the skills of developing training courses and educational programs, coordinating and monitoring scientific research projects and experiments in the field of education. He is the author of more than 60 scientific and educational publications. The main direction of scientific research is related to improving the quality of educational services and peace education.

Ihor Yakovenko

expert, trainer, teacher

Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor of the management department of the Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University. He teaches the disciplines “State regulation of economic processes”, “Management of financial and economic activities in educational institutions”, “Modern concepts of reforming the state and social system” for master’s students. He has twenty-four years of teaching experience. Author of more than 60 publications.

Has 10 years of civil service experience. He is a civil servant of the second rank. Has considerable experience in managerial activities, in particular, the adoption and implementation of legal and political decisions in the highest bodies of state power, acquired during the position of deputy head of the economic department of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (1992-1993), chairman of the State Committee on Insurance Supervision (1993-2000) and Deputy Minister of Health (2008-2010). He has considerable experience in developing concepts and carrying out the assignments of the President of Ukraine, the Parliament and the Government of Ukraine. He devoted a lot of time to issues of reforming such social sectors as health care, education, social services, and has knowledge of international trends in the development of financing models for these sectors. Has extensive experience in the preparation of draft regulations while working in various positions in state authorities, as well as when working as a researcher and expert.

He has direct experience in implementing and supporting technical assistance projects (in particular, Tacis, UNDP, World Bank, GIZ) as an expert, consultant, deputy and acting project manager. He has practical experience in preparing proposals, performing administrative and reporting procedures, interacting with beneficiaries and clients. While working in the projects, he was directly involved in organizing and moderating the work of Supervisory Committees, preparing and conducting work meetings, conferences, seminars and training events, communication and negotiations with people’s deputies, officials of the executive power, professional communities. He also has experience in the preparation and presentation of analytical materials, official reports, draft documents, briefs, summaries, protocols. GE repeatedly participated in television presentations and discussions on priority issues of reforms in Ukraine.

Tetiana Pospielova

expert, trainer, teacher

Doctor of sciences in public administration, Associate Professor, professor of the management department of the Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University. Since 2003, she has been engaged in scientific research in the field of: state management of human development; development of human potential; self-realization, self-actualization of the individual. She is the author of more than 60 publications of a scientific and educational and methodological nature.

She has considerable experience in the development of educational / training programs. She is the developer of the author’s trainings, which she conducted at the request of the Department of Education and Science of the executive body of the Kyiv City Council (Kyiv City State Administration); head of the NATO-Ukraine Program for the Apparatus of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for the purpose of improving the qualifications of managers of various levels and specialists in the field of education.

At the request of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, she carried out a professional examination of the project of the Higher Education Standard 281 “Public Management and Administration” at the bachelor’s and master’s level.

Since 2008, she has been participating in international security and peacebuilding projects, in particular:
– The Jean Monnet program “Building sustainable states and societies: the EU’s response to new security challenges in the European Good Neighborhood” (2018-2020);
– EMPUS “Education for leadership, intelligence and talent development” (2015-2016);
– Open Society Institute’s International Higher Education Support Program, Center for International Crisis Management and Conflict Resolution at the University of Nottingham “International conflicts as a threat to national security. Integrated training and research program” (2009-2012);
– Swedish Institute (Visby Program Summer University 2007) “Communications in a cross-cultural aspect”.

She takes an active civic position: she is the head of the Public Organization Development Center “KVADRA”, a member of the NGO “Maternal Love”. As part of the activities of these organizations, projects are implemented aimed at: providing first psychological aid to persons injured as a result of hostilities and the Russian occupation; restoration of the social potential of territorial communities of the Kyiv region that suffered as a result of the occupation; providing crisis assistance to temporarily displaced persons.
Certified specialist in psychological first aid, crisis psychological counseling, art therapy, mediation, non-violent communication, personal growth.